Jonathan Galloway, Marketing Manager for Omega Plastics—and former student at Teesside University Business School—gave a lecture for current Business Management and Marketing students on Digital Marketing.
The lecture, which was held on April 25th, was to help the students to develop a digital marketing strategy for a business as part of their assignment.
The academic requirements of the assignment provide a structure to cover key topics such as:
- Internal audit
- Competitor analysis
- Market analysis
- Digital marketing objectives
- Strategic direction
- Integration
- Tactics and e-tools
- KPI’s
- Resources
“The selling point of this lecture was so the students can see that the theoretical side of digital marketing and strategic planning can be successfully implemented in real world business,” said Jonathan. “And, for a business like Omega Plastics who wouldn’t necessarily be related to such a subject due to its nature.
“Showing what Omega Plastics have adopted over the past 17 months, it’s visible that the teachings can be successful if implemented correctly. It also gives the students a clearer focus on what digital marketing activities can help their business meet their objectives.”
Omega Plastics specialise in injection moulding and rapid tooling and Jonathan joined the business to help promote their successes and increase their sales. He got the position through a university recruitment project called Knowledge Exchange Internship (KEI) in December 2012.
A student who attended the lecture said: “It opened my eyes to particular techniques that I could use for my assignment. For example, I never really thought about re branding the website of my chosen company but when I was introduced to Omega Plastics and how they had completely changed their website, it was clear that it had a much better effect on the consumer. Now I understand the steps needed to achieve the result”.

Photo: Dave Crone – Group Managing Director, Jonathan Galloway – Marketing Manager, David Norris – Principal Lecturer in Marketing
To support a progressive growth plan Omega Plastics are now recruiting to fulfill a number of positions including a Marketing Assistant – details found at the careers page.